We’re into the last month of 2019, and I have to say, overall I’m really happy with the trading income I’ve had so far this year. It has been rather consistent at about the $2,000 mark each month, and I hope for next year to take it up a notch.
Facebook mounted a full recovery since the previous high in July, and I was able to close out a position I took in late July for a small loss (after factoring in commissions and holding costs over close to 4 months!)
Other than the usual suspects, I also traded in Pinterest, Etsy and Match Group in November. Facebook trades accounted for nearly half of the profits for November, while Etsy accounted for another 35%. These 2 big hitters provided for much of the $2314 total profit for the month.
For those interested in more numbers, below are the details year to date, in terms of stocks traded, number of times they have been traded and total profit from each stock.
Thanks for sharing, as usual always a pleasure reading personal updates.